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The video portrait

Welcome to the page where you can find the result of the video portrait! I interviewed Sophia Bernson. A creative artist; specialized in illustration. She shares about a recent project she did on raising awareness on saving the coral.




Preparing the interview questions

Before I  filmed Sophia I met with her over a coffee and talked about her work and her coral project. I also asked her; since the film would be about her; where she would like to talk about. After that I prepared the questions. All open ones. On the day we where filming I gave her time to read them trough and think about them. 


During the interview I asked her to repeat my questions. Did my best not to talk or make noises and tested the sound couple of times. I double recored it with my iphone. At one point when she is talking about the urgency of the coral state you hear an ambulance in the background. I kept the shot, since I thought it was actually fitting and adding some drama to what she was saying. But maybe that was a bit too creative, I don’t know. 

Interview positions

I made sure that there where no weird cuts. Or plants growing out of her ear and that the lines in the background where straight. That she had good lighting on her face. The window was indeed my best friend. No withe walls in the background. Rest of the back ground; as blurry as my camera could get. So the aperture as low as it could get.  


Rule of thirds 

I was trying to put her the best position when interviewed. Pretty close to her face; so you could she her emotions when she talked. Looking at my direction (to her left). And ofcource places nicely in one third in the shot. Eyes also on the third line.  



During the B roll I did a total shot, medium, an over shoulder, close up of face and a close up of act.  I also tried to not cross the 180 degrees rule. 

Theory used..

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